2023 HN Cancer Year-End-Review
2023 HN Cancer Year-End-Review
一年一度的頭頸癌 Year-End Review 於 12 月 9 日在臺北JR東日本大飯店舉行。
此次研討會概述了目前針對局部晚期頭頸部腫瘤 (LA SCCHN) 和復發/轉移性頭頸部腫瘤 (R/M SCCHN) 患者的治療方案。
接續進行多專科討論 (外科、放射腫瘤科、血液腫瘤科) 局部晚期頭頸病人治療選擇決策的要點,
陳天華醫師、呂學儒醫師和謝孟哲醫師分別分享了以Erbitux為基礎的治療方案治療 R/M SCCHN 患者的真實世界證據研究,
最後,朱本元部長介紹了台灣默克公司為無法發聲的頭頸癌病人開發出的 MyVoice APP,
The annual Head and Neck Cancer Year-End Review was held on 9 December at the Hotel Metropolitan Premier Taipei.
The meeting provided an overview of the current treatment options for patients with locally advanced SCCHN (LA SCCHN) and recurrent/metastatic SCCHN (R/M SCCHN).
Dr We-Chen Lu shared his perspectives and clinical practice of different induction therapy combination in improving the treatment outcomes of LA SCCHN patients,
followed by MDT discussion (surgeon, radio oncologist, medical oncologist) about their perspectives and decision making points,
facilitating the importance of multidisciplinary discussion for LA SCCHN patients.
Dr Chia-Lung Chang shared his perspectives on optimising treatment sequencing in the era of immunotherapy and targeted therapy for R/M SCCHN patients and his clinical practice on how to maximise treatment outcomes for patients,
followed by a discussion on the different clinical factors to consider for 1L and 2L treatment decision.
Dr Tien Hua Cheng, Hsueh-Lu Lu and Meng-Che Hsieh shared their real-world evidence studies of cetuximab-based regimen for R/M SCCHN patients,
including the real-world efficacy, predictive markers for distant metastasis and treatment beyond progression, respectively.
Last but not least, Dr Pen-Yuan Chu introduced the My Voice APP developed by Merck for the speechless patients,
hoping to facilitate their needs for proper communication and life.
About 50 healthcare professionals came from all over Taiwan,
enjoying the scientific communication and learning from their peers and senior experts.